Christian Views
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Bible Verse of the Day

Bible Verse of the Day
Daily Devotional
- With God, All Is Possible
One quiet morning I sat down and began thinking of situations I faced that seemed impossible. The Lord gently said to me, Write all the things that seemed impossible but happened. I pulled out a sheet of paper and a pen, sat at my desk, and began writing a list of the impossible circumstances, mindsets, health concerns, and financial obstacles that once seemed unlikely to resolve. While writing this ever-growing list of my past, one by one, the memories of the challenges flooded my mind. I felt...
Christian News
- US, UN Officials Condemn Syrian Massacre in Latakia as Human Rights Expert Says Toll Could Go Much Higher
- US Envoy Defends Direct Hamas Talks as Israel Pressures Gaza; Terrorist Massacres Unfold in Syria
- 'Citizens Jury' on euthanasia 'deeply flawed'
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics (NCB) and its “citizen’s jury” has been called “deeply flawed” by Care Not Killing (CNK), a group which campaigns against euthanasia and in favour of greater palliative care.
- Process for choosing next Archbishop of Canterbury scrutinised
A member of the Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) has raised concerns about the process of appointing the next Archbishop of Canterbury.
- Muslim authorities close Christian schools for Ramadan
Christian schools in northern Nigeria have been shut down for Ramadan by order of the regional governors.